Fall 2003

Lectures (2 hours) T 2:00p – 3:40p (Tentative)

Laboratory (3 hours) W 3:00p – 5:45p (Tentative)


Instructor:            Prof. Chuhee Kwon

Office:              PH2-120

Phone:              (562)985-4855


Office Hours:            T 1:00p – 2:00p

                        Other hours by appointment

Text:                 Atomic Force Microscopy for Biologists, Morris, Kirby, and Gunning  (Imperial College Press, 1999) and Handout materials

Prerequisite:            PHYS154; PHYS450 or consent of the instructor. 

Course Requirements:           

a.       One mid-term exam.

b.      Laboratory reports after each experiments

c.       Final project

Evaluation:                    Mid-term                      30%

                                    Laboratory Reports      40%

                                    Final Project                 30%


Objectives of the course:           

(1)    Learn the operation of a scanning probe microscope (SPM).

(2)    Understand physics behind SPM.

(3)    Realize practical applications of textbook physics.

List of Topics

(1)    What is Scanning Probe Microscopy? 

(2)    Background Physics

(3)    Electron Tunneling Phenomena

(4)    Intermolecular Microscopic Interactions

(5)    Magnetic Force Microscopy

(6)    Spectroscopy

(7)    Piezoelectricity


List of Experiments


1.      Laser beam alignment, microscope usage, and looking at a substrate (Contact AFM)

2.      Cracked sample (Contact and Tapping AFM)

3.      Blood sample (Tapping AFM)

4.      Calibration of Scanner

5.      Graphite (STM)

6.      SCCO sample

7.      IC chips

8.      MFM